Responsible Business Forum announces the results of the survey Diversity IN Check. Devire is among thirty-one best employers for Diversity & Inclusion in Poland.
The list is based on the results of the Diversity IN Check survey prepared by the Responsible Business Forum. According to the Responsible Business Forum, Devire is a leader in this area, which is an organization that scored over 80 percent in the final classification.
The Diversity IN Check is a maturity assessment tool that helps employers determine their level of readiness in managing workplace diversity and creating inclusive organizations. The survey is designed according to globally recognized standards and guidelines, including SDGs, ISO 26000, GRI Standards, and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The survey features questions divided into five areas: Management Basis, Programs and Activities, Construction Engagement, Performance Indicators, and additional questions related to COVID-19.
Diversity IN Check is organized by Responsible Business Forum, the coordinator of the Diversity Charter in Poland. Since 2000 it has been the longest-established and the largest non-governmental organization in Poland which comprehensively addresses the concept of corporate social responsibility.